
2022-07-26 14:14:03 阅读:0
机构介绍 Institutions to introduce —— 加拿大金融交易和报告分析中心(FINTRAC)是加拿大的金融情报单位,于2000年成立。它是一个独立机构,向财政部长汇报工作,对议会活动中心负责。总部位于渥太华。主要负责收集分析、评估和披露加国金融行业的相关资料,以保护加国的金融稳定及安全。(wisefc1) The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) is Canada's financial intelligence unit, established in 2000. It is an independent body reporting to the Minister of Finance and is accountable to the Parliamentary Activity Centre. It is headquartered in Ottawa. It is responsible for collecting, analyzing, evaluating and disclosing information related to the Canadian financial industry to protect the financial stability and security of Canada 业务范围 The business scope —— 加拿大MSB向公众提供下列服务;● 外汇交易:进行交易,您可以将一种货币(美元兑换加元)兑换成另一种货币。● 资金支付:使用电子资金转帐网络或任何其他方法,将资金从一个个人或组织转移到另一个个人或组织。● 兑换或出售汇票、旅行支票或任何类似的东西:这也可能包括兑现或出售旅行支票或任何类似的东西。这并不包括将支票兑现给特定的个人或组织。----(wisefc1) MSB Canada provides the following services to the public; ● Foreign exchange transactions: Conduct transactions in which you exchange one currency (U.S. dollars for Canadian dollars) for another. ● Payment of funds: Transfer of funds from one individual or organization to another using an electronic funds transfer network or any other method. ● Exchange or sell money orders, traveler's checks or anything similar: This may also include cashing or selling traveler's checks or anything similar. This does not include cashing checks to specific individuals or organizations. - (wisefc1) 申请加拿大FTR MSB要求 Apply for Canadian FTR MSB requirements —— 办理您的金钱服务业务牌照MSB Transact your money Service business licence MSB 在开始在加拿大经营之前,您必须在FINTRAC上注册您的货币服务业务(MSB)。即使您已在一个省或地区注册为MSB,您仍然必须在我们这里注册。有关您的所有MSB注册义务,请参阅注册您的货币服务业务。 Before you begin operating in Canada, you must register your Money Services Business (MSB) with FINTRAC. Even if you have registered as an MSB in a province or territory, you must still register with us. For all your MSB registration obligations, see Register Your Money Services Business. 合规计划程序 Compliance Planning procedures 全面有效的合规计划是您履行PCMLTFA及相关法规规定的所有义务的基础。在FINTRAC检查期间,重要的是要证明所需的文档已经准备就绪,并且被授权代表您行事的员工、代理和所有其他人员都受过良好的培训,能够有效地执行遵从性程序的所有元素。高级管理人员必须批准合规计划,合规管理人员必须具有执行该计划要求的必要权力。 A full and effective compliance program is the basis for you to meet all your obligations under the PCMLTFA and related regulations. During a FINTRAC inspection, it is important to demonstrate that the required documentation is in place and that the employees, agents, and all other personnel authorized to act on your behalf are well trained to effectively perform all elements of the compliance program. Senior management must approve the compliance plan and the compliance officer must have the necessary authority to implement the requirements of the plan. 你必须: (1)指定合规负责人负责合规计划的实施和监督; (2)制定并应用由高级管理人员批准的最新的书面合规政策和程序; (3)应用及记录风险评估,包括缓解措施及策略; (4)为员工、代理人和其他有权代表您行事的人制定并维护书面培训计划; (5)每两年回顾你的法规遵循计划(政策和程序,风险评估和培训计划),以测试其有效性。 You must: (1) Designate a compliance person responsible for the implementation and supervision of the compliance plan; (2) Develop and apply the latest written compliance policies and procedures approved by senior management; (3) Apply and document risk assessments, including mitigation measures and strategies; (4) Develop and maintain a written training program for employees, agents and other persons authorized to act on your behalf; (5) Review your compliance program (policies and procedures, risk assessments, and training programs) every two years to test its effectiveness. 了解您的客户程序 —— 作为一项货币服务业务,您必须根据犯罪收益(洗钱)和恐怖主义融资条例(PCMLTFR),为某些活动和交易核实客户的身份。了解你的客户的一部分包括以下方法来识别客户,以及进行某些额外的活动,如下所示: (1)何时确认个人和实体的存在——货币服务企业; (2)识别个体和确认实体存在的方法; (3)业务关系要求; (4)持续的监控要求; (5)实益拥有权要求; (6)第三方认定要求; (7)政治人物和国际组织负责人-货币服务企业。 MSB报告 —— 货币服务企业必须完成某些交易和财产的报告,并提交给FINTRAC。财务交易报告对于FINTRAC分析交易的能力至关重要,以便开发向执法部门和合作伙伴机构披露的财务情报。因此,您的报告质量将由FINTRAC在考试中审查。 可疑交易:在确定有合理理由怀疑交易或未遂交易与洗钱或恐怖主义融资犯罪的委托或未遂委托有关的30天内,您必须提交可疑交易报告(STR)。下面的STR指南解释了如何识别和报告STRs,这三篇指南应该一起阅读。看什么是可疑交易报告?,向FINTRAC报告可疑交易以及洗钱和恐怖主义融资指标——货币服务业务。 The MSB report - Money services businesses must complete certain transactions and property reports and file them with FINTRAC. Financial transaction reporting is critical to FINTRAC's ability to analyze transactions in order to develop financial intelligence for disclosure to law enforcement and partner agencies. Therefore, the quality of your report will be reviewed by FINTRAC during the exam. Suspicious Transactions: You must file a Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) within 30 days of determining that there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a transaction or attempted transaction is related to a commission or attempted commission for a crime of money laundering or terrorist financing. The following STR guide explains how to identify and report STRs, and the three guides should be read together. What is a Suspicious transaction report? To report suspicious transactions and money services businesses, an indicator of money laundering and terrorist financing, to FINTRAC. 恐怖分子财产:当你知道你所拥有或控制的财产是由恐怖分子或恐怖组织拥有、控制或代表他们时,你必须立即提交报告。您还必须向加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP)和加拿大安全情报局(CSIS)提交一份报告。参见准则5:提交恐怖主义财产报告。 大额现金交易:当您在24小时内通过单笔交易或多笔交易收到1万加元或更多现金(包括税费或其他费用)时,您必须在15个日历日内提交一份报告。参见准则7A:以电子方式向FINTRAC提交大额现金交易报告;准则7B:以书面形式向FINTRAC提交大额现金交易报告。 电子资金转账:当您发送或接收客户发起的指令,以便在国际上转账10,000加元或更多;在24小时内,您必须在5个工作日内提交一份报告,无论是单笔交易还是多笔交易。参见准则8A:以电子方式向FINTRAC提交非SWIFT电子资金转账报告,准则8B:以书面形式向FINTRAC提交SWIFT电子资金转账报告,准则8C:以书面形式向FINTRAC提交非SWIFT电子资金转账报告。 如果你有电脑和互联网连接,你必须通过电子方式向FINTRAC提交所有报告,恐怖分子财产报告除外。 Terrorist Property: When you know that property you own or control is owned by, controlled by, or on behalf of terrorists or terrorist organizations, you must file a report immediately. You must also file a report with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). See Guideline 5: Filing a Terrorism Property Report. Large cash transactions: When you receive C $10,000 or more in cash (including taxes or other fees) in a single transaction or multiple transactions within 24 hours, you must file a report within 15 calendar days. See Guideline 7A: Filing Large cash transaction reports electronically with FINTRAC; Criterion 7B: Report large cash transactions in writing to FINTRAC. Electronic Funds Transfer: when you send or receive customer initiated instructions to transfer $10,000 or more internationally; Within 24 hours, you must submit a report within 5 business days, whether for a single transaction or multiple transactions. See Guideline 8A: Submission of non-SWIFT Electronic Fund Transfer Reports to FINTRAC electronically, Guideline 8B: Submission of SWIFT Electronic Fund Transfer Reports to FINTRAC in writing, Guideline 8C: Submission of non-SWIFT Electronic Fund transfer Reports to FINTRAC in writing. If you have a computer and an Internet connection, you must electronically file all reports with FINTRAC, with the exception of the terrorist property report. 加拿大FTR MSB牌照优势 —— ● 加拿大MSB是目前所有国内AA类牌中办理费用最低的牌照 ● 加拿大MSB不需要缴纳保证金 ● 加拿大MSB牌照下牌时间快 ● 加拿大MSB投诉少,口碑好 ● 加拿大MSB牌照是国内AA类牌中少数不需要缴纳月费的牌照 加拿大MSB是目前所有国内AA类牌照的 目前所有的AA类监管牌照中,加拿大FTR MSB牌照的性价比是最高的,费用最低,负面最少,是所有的中大型平台中后期使用的高级牌照的不二之选。 仁港永胜提供海外监管牌照专业申请方案,我们与地方当局、律师事务所和其他法律实体密切合作,以确保您的公司符合要求、能够获得官方许可。无论你的目标是成为做市商、零售财务顾问、互动券商、还是经纪人,我们都有对应的解决方案。 FTR MSB licence advantage in Canada ● Canadian MSB is the lowest processing fee among all domestic AA brand licenses at present. ● Canadian MSB does not need to pay deposit. ● Canadian MSB license under the license time is fast. The Canadian MSB license plate is one of the few AA license plates in China that does not require a monthly fee At present, among all AA regulatory licenses, Canadian FTR MSB license has the highest performance-to-price ratio, the lowest cost and the least negative, which is the best choice for all the high-end licenses used in the middle and late period of medium and large platforms. We offer a professional application programme for overseas regulatory licences. We work closely with local authorities, law firms and other legal entities to ensure that your company meets the requirements and can be granted official licence. Whether your goal is to become a market maker, retail financial advisor, interactive broker, or broker, we have the solution.
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